Innovative Nutrient Testing
The nutrients we intake have a crucial impact on our health. Even when you believe you are eating a well-balanced, healthy diet, it can be difficult to know when you are not receiving enough of certain nutrients. The only way to know which nutrients you may be missing from your diet or are not processing correctly, is to undergo comprehensive nutrient testing. At Nova Clinic, we offer innovative nutrient testing, including testing for micronutrients.
Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and micronutrients all play a role in your health. Deficiencies in specific nutrients can put you at risk for many health disorders. Even when you eat healthy or take supplements, you may still not be absorbing all the nutrients you need. The only way to know which nutrients are in your body is to do innovative nutrient testing. This blood test can determine the levels of nutrients in white blood cells to ensure that you are getting what you need from your food and supplement regimen.
Are You Getting Enough Micronutrients?
There are many factors that can interfere with achieving optimal health through nutrition. The foods you are eating may not have the nutrient concentration you thought, and you may not be absorbing supplements you take properly. Certain medications and health conditions can impact how you absorb micronutrients in your body. Our innovative nutrient testing can reveal exactly what levels of certain nutrients you are retaining to determine if you need to change your diet or supplements. Nutrient testing is also an effective option for monitoring and managing your nutritional supplementation to gain optimum levels within your body.
At Nova Clinic, we believe in science-based wellness, utilizing advanced methods for monitoring and managing health. We offer extensive nutritional and health testing options that give us insight to what our patients need to obtain optimum health. Contact us today to schedule your wellness evaluation, which can include our innovative nutrient testing.